Improving Interagency Collaboration and Learning in Criminal Justice System
Skrevet av Atle Ødegård og Bjørn Kjetil Larsen
Da har den første bokanmeldelsen kommet! Boka som var et resultat av EU prosjektet COLAB – ble ledet av professor Sarah Hean ved Universitetet i Stavanger og Bournemouth University. Fra Høgskolen i Molde var det mange forfattere som bidro med bokkapitler: Siv Elin Nord Sæbjørnsen, Bjørn Kjetil Larsen, Stål Bjørkly, Karl Yngvar Dale, Kristin Røvik og Atle Ødegård. Anmeldelsen er publisert i

Det er Vivian Geiran, Trinity College Dublin, former director, Irish Probation Service – som har skrevet anmeldelsen. I konklusjonen heter det:
As someone who, over many years as both probation practitioner and manager/leader, struggled to better understand as well as to promote and advance the cause of interagency co-operation, this reviewer welcomes the considerable scholarship and practical value that this book brings to the field. The fact that the book is available on open access electronically, as well as to purchase in hard copy, should help it to be, indeed, the trigger for innovation and positive change that it can be and that is clearly a primary intention of this excellent publication and those who contributed to its production.
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Improving Interagency Collaboration and Learning in Criminal Justice System