Skrevet av Frøydis Vasset
En artikkel av Vasset, F., Fagerstrøm, L og Frilund, M. (2021). Langtidsledelse i helsetjenester i de Nordiske land. International Journal of Caring Sciences May-August 2021 Volume 14| Issue 2| Page 1527.
This is a book review of a Nordic book: Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries. Switzerland: Springer Nature. The book reflects and describes the nursing leadership of research, clinical nursing leadership and the leadership of nursing education from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
Konklusjonen er:
We agree with Hafsteinsdóttir and all her Nordic colleagues. They emphasise that nurses need to strengthen their leadership competencies in health policy, academia, system improvement, evidence-based practice, and competency in specific content areas. As we mentioned above, the nursing leader’s role is to change the processes and positively impact the patients’ care qualities.