Skrevet av Atle Ødegård

Et spesial nummer av tidsskriftet Akademisk Kvarter (Academic Quarter) har fokus på samskaping – co-creation. I omtalen av nummeret heter det bl.a at:
During the past decade, co-creation and co-production have become significant buzzwords throughout society, often serving as processual means and as new solutions to complex societal challenges. Co-creation and co-production processes often involve a variety of stakeholders, and the terms indicate getting things done through democratic collaboration. This issue contains 11 papers concerning co-creation and co-production covering different areas.
I en av artiklene skriver vi om utviklingen av en forskningsmetodikk som tar sikte på å kartlegge erfaringer med sosial innovasjon:
An increased knowledge of innovation depends on high-quality re-search. However, what aspects of innovation impact positive out-comes for different actors? New insights call for the development of research methodology to be used to explore and investigate the phenomenon of innovation, i.e., processes and outcomes. In this paper, our aims are to a) describe the development of a conceptual model of social innovation at the micro level and b) describe the development of a quantitative methodology named the Social In-novation Measurement Model Questionnaire (SIMM-Q). We will also discuss some principal issues linked to research on social innovation and its relevance for co-creation.
Artikkelen ligger open access og kan leses her: