Av Atle Ødegård og Roar Stokken
Roar Stokken og Atle Ødegård deltok på forskningskonferansen PUBSIC 2020 – som ble arrangert i Stavanger 29-31 januar.
Roar og Atle deltok både med presentasjoner og som chair for flere sesjoner. Atle presenterte «The conceptual development of the Social Innovation Measurement Model (SIMM-Q).» og Roar «NPM&TPA meet NPG in a partnership. Governance schemes and organizational structures as obstacles for cooperation»

I omtalen av konferansen heter det at: The PUBSIC Conference remains as an important gathering of scientists interested in public sector innovation, often attracting around 100-120 scholars from throughout the world and at all stages of their career. The academic programme covers the spectre of public sector innovation, creating a platform for lively discussion, exchange of ideas and the best thinking in the field. In recent years an important body of research and knowledge on public service innovation (PSI) are emerging. Previous PUBSIC Conferences have now taken place in Shanghai, Budapest, Lillehammer and Milan over the past four years. https://www.uis.no/article.php?articleID=133823&categoryID=26003