Med fleire tracks som fokuserer på diverse co-prosessar innanfor «Public Service Innovation» (PSI) er dette ein god arena for presentasjon av planlagde publiseringar. Tidlegare har konferansen vore i Shanghai, Budapest, Lillehammer og Milano.
Dato er sett til 29-31 januar.
Call for papers
We would like to welcome you to Stavanger and the 5th PUBSIC Conference to be hosted by University of Stavanger in Norway. The PUBSIC Conference remains as an important gathering of scientists interested in public sector innovation, often attracting around 100-120 scholars from throughout the world and at all stages of their career. The academic programme covers the spectre of public sector innovation, creating _a _platform for lively discussion, exchange of ideas and the best thinking in the field.
In recent years an important body of research and knowledge on public service innovation (PSI) are emerging. Previous PUBSIC Conferences have now taken place in Shanghai, Budapest, Lillehammer and Milan over the past four years. To continue this dialogue and to build upon this evolving body of knowledge we would invite you to participate January 29. – 31. 2020 her in Stavanger
The International Scientific Committee invites paper submissions across the following themes, in the form of a 500 word abstract:
- Value creation, co-production and PSI
- Co-design and the role of citizens/service users in PSI
- Behavioural public administration and PSI
- The third and non-profit sector and PSI
- PSI and ICT/digital technology (including the use of Big Data)
- Collaboration and open innovation
- The contingencies of effective PSI
- PSI and learning in public service organisations
- Social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, and PSI
- Managing and evaluating PSI
- Human resources issues and perspectives on PSI
- Political dimensions of PSI
- Innovation in public policy and in public policy processes
- The ‘dark side’ of PSI
- Public – private partnerships and PSI
- The governance of risk in PSI
Abstracts should be submitted through the conference website: by 30th of September 2019. They will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee and decisions notified to authors by 15th October 2019.
Papers are welcome from both experienced and new/doctoral students and of both an empirical and theoretical nature. Registration deadline is 10. November.
Ann-Karin Tennås Holmen StephenOsborne