Av Atle Ødegård
Medarbeidere i prosjektet Sosial innovasjon i sykehjem (SIS) – tidligere omtalt flere ganger i denne bloggen – har gitt ut en ny artikkel: Practice-based learning and innovation in nursing homes (Anvik, Vedeler, Wegener, Slettebø og Ødegård). Artikkelen er utgitt i tidsskriftet Journal of Workplace Learning.

Abstract (kort versjon fra publikasjonen)
Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the conditions under which learning and innovation occur within nursing homes by focusing on how the dynamics of the distribution and transformation of ideas and knowledge may be viewed as a prerequisite for innovation in both formal, planned learning situations and inform al,every day practices.
Design/methodology/approach: Data was produced via fieldwork, which included participant observations, conversations and research interviews with staff and managers at a Norwegian nursing home.
Findings: The nursing home sustains learning at the centre of its enterprise through managers’ and staff’s participation in planned learning situations and thereby highlights a focus on learning in their everyday practices.
Social implications: The Global North is ageing. Consequently, there is an increasing need for facilities and adequately trained professionals to support an ageing population.
Anvik, C., Vedeler, J., Wegener, C., Slettebø, Å. and Ødegård, A. (2020), «Practice-based learning and innovation in nursing homes», Journal of Workplace Learning, https://doi.org/10.1108/JWL-09-2019-0112.