Volda University College joined minister Nybø and other Norwegian universities visiting Korea and Japan

The main gate of Sejong Universiety, Seoul.

In the summer 2019 the Norwegian Minister Iselin Nybø, Ministry of Education and Research invited presidents (rectors) of Norwegian universities to join her for a Norwegian delegation visiting South-Korea and Japan. The visit was carried out November 3rd-8th 2019.

Volda University College have had partnership with universities in both countries since 2016 and more than 20 students from Volda University College have experienced Asia through these partnerships.

News of the partnership agreements (2017).

The schedule of the minister and delegation’s 2019 visit made it possible for Volda to visit our university partners. This was important for us, not least because we have had the pleasure of receiving representatives from Japan in Volda. Rikkyo University have actually visited Volda several times, even by former president Tomoya Yoshioka.

News of the president’s visit (in Norwegian).

We consider it a sign of comittment and seriousness to check out a partner university by visiting the premises and talk to international officers as well as managers and students. This also makes it easier for us to recommend a university for students considering entering an exchange program.

The most important message to prospective students considering travelling to Seoul or Tokyo – as well as to Volda – is that one feels safe. This might be a surprise as the metropolitan regions of Seoul and Tokyo has respectively 25 and 36 million inhabitants.

Skrevet av

Johann Roppen

Professor dr.polit, rektor ved Høgskulen i Volda frå 1.8.2015.

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