So professor Knut-Willy Sæther was able to convince us, we convinced ourselves, we were able to join forces as well as sponsors to support the conference, and well – here we are!
Thank You also very much to the main sponsor – Sparebanken Møre – the largest savings bank in the region, as well as the Norwegian Research Council.
The aims and scope of ESSSAT and the conference really is impressing. It’s not a small ambition to bring together people and ideas from science and theology – and everything in between, I understand.
And with a wonderful purpose: «To reach a better understanding of the interaction between two of the most powerful human pursuits, religion and science».
Still, with a war raging in Europe, we quite possibly need more theology and less technology, but surely more understanding.
Finally I must say I do hope you all get the opportunity to visit the mountains and the fjords – this part of the world is croweded with world class tourist destination, as the gigantic cruise-liners by the pier here in Ålesund demonstrates.
But I can assure you that that the fjords of Norway are really shining when the are experienced at a slow pace, by a smaller boat, a canoo or by biking or hiking during summer. Or winter.
So please enjoy the conference, the ideas being shared and discussed, but also enjoy our small town and big region.